Yes, arrived nicely packaged, and in pretty-fairly short time, I should think. I thought the container was a bit larger than I had imagined and appeared to have the original plastic seal wrapped around it, which is reassuring. I haven't opened it though, to be able to test it and intend on keeping it that way for awhile until a rainy day comes along - at my own risk of course and not likely to worry by that time, if it tends to dry out a bit, or whatever it does over time.
w***s (493)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
Verified purchase
Arrived quick, perfect all around. Thank you!
4***l (102)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
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This item came with a purchase I had made day before that was getting ready to be mailed. Seller caught that it was bought from same person and sent them together👍🏼
l***g (1087)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
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I have been using this product for a long time and love it. The product looks amazing. Thank you.
d***8 (7)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
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Merchant supplied a hard to find product. Reasonably priced and quickly.
r***5 (113)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
Verified purchase
Love this product! Joy always does a great job wrapping these and ships quickly