Sellers may also block buyers from bidding on their listings. This helps us encourage responsible buying and allows sellers to choose who they do business with.
What are buying limits?
Buying limits are account blocks that limit your ability to purchase items on the site. They can be placed by sellers and by eBay.
Buying limits placed by sellers
Sellers can make their listings unavailable to a specific list of bidders. They can block buyers with low feedback scores or buyers they no longer wish to do business with.
Buying limits placed by eBay
If we place a buying limit on your account, we'll send you a message with the next steps to restore your ability to purchase items or make bids. We may limit your ability to bid on auctions or make a Best Offer if:
- You are bidding on an expensive item
- We need to verify your identity
- You need to add a payment method - opens in new window or tab to your account
- You have a history of canceled orders for not paying on time
- You've suddenly and significantly increased your bidding and buying activity
- You have several items awaiting payment
The best way to avoid buyer restrictions is to pay for your items quickly.
Removing buying limits
If a seller blocked you from bidding on their listings, you'll receive a notification when you try to place a bid. You also won't be able to bid on that seller's items using another account.
If we've limited your buying activities, you'll receive a message providing the next steps. For example, you may need to:
- Pay for items you've already committed to buy
- Add a payment method to your account
- Verify your identity
What are buying restrictions?
A buying restriction means you won't be able to make any purchases on eBay. It is usually placed on an account due to a policy violation.
If you have a buying restriction on your account, you won't be able to buy items or bid on auctions until the issue is resolved.
Why are buying restrictions applied?
Generally, restrictions are applied when it appears you might be violating our site policies. Buying restrictions can be applied to your account if:
- You have multiple accounts, and one or more has a buying restriction already placed on it
- You are violating our Abusive buyer policy
- Your account is under review for other policy violations
Removing buying restrictions
If you receive a restriction, you'll receive an email as well as a message in My eBay - opens in new window or tab explaining why it was applied, and what you need to do to have it removed.
Avoiding buying limits and restrictions
To avoid buying limits and restrictions, you can:
- Only bid on or buy items you plan to pay for
- Pay for items as soon as possible
- Improve your feedback profile by leaving feedback for sellers
- Add a payment method to your account
- Establish a buying history by purchasing items that require immediate payment