XXL Dog Collars

Choosing the Right Dog Collar

You have a dog whose safety and comfort is essential to you. You feel like it's time for your dog to get a leash for walking, fashion, training or even identification purposes. With so many options to choose from at the dog store, which is the right choice for a dog collar? Here are a few guidelines to help you make the right selection for a large dog collar whichever the dog breeds.

What are the different styles available for dog collars?

  • Martingale - The martingale collar is generally made from nylon or other similar materials. It is sometimes referred to as the limited slip collar. It prevents dogs which are on a leash from slipping out of collars. Although the dog collars tighten when the leash is tugged, it is completely safe for your dog. This is because the large dog collar prevents closure on the neck due to its stopping mechanism.
  • Head/Halter collar - Training a dog to walk on a heel and a leash is the main purpose of a head collar. They act as harnesses for the dog's head causing it to turn whenever the leash is pulled. The dog collar should not be left on for long periods of time.
  • Daily-use collar - Everyday collars are available in a wide selection of material, size, color and style. One commonly used dog collar is the one with metal buckles or clasps. The buckled collars are especially useful for large dogs. A leather dog collar is favorite due to its longevity. For the most part, a leather construction is a guarantee on the quality of the item. An adjustable dog collar is another popular option for dog owners.
  • Harness - If a dog has some medical problems in its neck and airway, the harness is the ideal option. Since the dog collar is placed around the chest and abdomen, there is no pressure exerted on the neck. A leash can even be attached on top of a harness.
  • Metal prong/Pinch/Greyhound collar - These dog collars are used on a variety of breeds but they are better suited for sighthounds. They may seem harsh at first glance but for stubborn dogs with a tendency to pull the leash, this is the perfect fit. During training, these dog collars can also be used for correction. However, make sure to never leave your dog unattended with this collar. Pet owners are highly encouraged to consult a professional trainer if they choose to use this collar.

Which factors determine your dog collar choice?

  • Size - For a puppy, you might have to choose a small dog collar which is adjustable to allow room for growth. This ensures the collar is durable, e.g., a leather dog collar, for up to when it grows into a large dog.
  • Texture - Dogs react differently to leashes. A nylon or a leather dog collar is perfect for those that do well on the leash while a prong or a halter collar is suited for a breed prone to pulling. The texture is also a key determinant of how durable the dog collar will be. A leather dog collar also rarely causes hair loss or parting in dogs.
  • Style - Some of the materials like leather can double up as both a functionality and a style addition. You can switch up the normal use collar to a large dog collar for that extra pop anytime you are out with your dog.
  • Additional features - Some collars come with extra features such as padding for that added protection and comfort. Others like the smart dog collars are more tech advanced as compared to the traditional big dog or puppy collars. They have features such as GPS, waterproof capabilities, Wi-F- coverage, etc