Spirit Halloween Costumes for Boys

Spirit Halloween Costumes for Boys

Spirit Halloween has been offering costumes for all ages since its inception in 1983. There are a number of options available, from cartoon characters to ninjas and clowns. There are also smaller accessories to add to a costume, or to mix and match to create something original.

How do you choose a boys' Spirit Halloween costume?

  • Decide your time and effort limits for this costume. Some Spirit Halloween kids' costumes will require extensive suits, makeup, and accessories, which may require help from adults. Other costumes for kids are one-piece and easy to put together.
  • Start early. Talk to your kids well in advance to get a good idea of costumes they would be interested in.
  • Consider the weather.Choose appropriate styles from Spirit Halloween so that you can enjoy the whole night without shivering or sweating. In cold areas, you can choose full-body suits, hats, gloves, and masks. In warm or tropical areas, you may want a costume that is lightweight and breathable. Halloween is a holiday that can involve a lot of moving around, so you should ensure that your kids can walk, run, and dance freely.
  • Don't be limited by the label. A boys' costume can be worn by a girl and vice-versa.
  • Consider family, group, or best friend costumes. Your kids may want to spend Halloween with their friends or siblings and share a themed costume with them. Or, your whole family can dress together for the occasion. Spirit Halloween offers a number of outfits with matching characters for kids and adults.
  • Keep your child's Spirit Halloween costume clean. Wear protective clothing outside of the house.

How do you take care of Halloween costumes?

  • Hand-wash and spot-clean when necessary.
  • Turn the costume inside out to protect surface decorations.
  • Place the garment in cold water with a small amount of laundry detergent. Use detergent that is designed for delicate clothing.
  • Use a kneading motion to wash the material. Rinse with more cold water.
  • Remove excess water from your garment by squeezing it, and then hang it up to dry.
  • Store your costume properly. Keep your kid's Halloween outfit in a closet when it is not in use. Store hats stuffed with newspaper to keep their shape.

What costume accessories are available?

Some accessories may include gloves, masks, makeup, and wigs.

What kinds of costumes are available?

Costumes range from licensed characters from video games, cartoons, and movies, to "occupational" themes such as military or firemen, and even historical figures. There are also some costumes for football, hockey, and baseball teams.