Samsung TV Speakers


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Turn Up the Volume With Samsung TV Speakers

When you're watching a blockbuster at home on your TV, you want to be able to hear the quiet conversations just as well as you hear all the explosive action. With TV speakers, you can do so. They may offer enhanced sound in comparison to your television's built-in sound system, and using them can give you the opportunity to round out your audio.

What's a soundbar?

This is a TV speaker system that comes in one piece. Within the soundbar, you'll have at least two individual speakers. They might be set up to produce identical audio to each other, providing you with stereo sound. Alternatively, each section of the soundbar may be responsible for emitting different frequencies.

Soundbars are laid out horizontally, so you can place them right in front of or below your TV. They may be a few inches tall, and they could be anywhere from 1 foot to 5 feet wide. You can place one on your television stand, and some versions can be mounted on the wall.

What are other speakers you can use with a television?

There are various options when it comes to setting up the components that will be part of your home entertainment system. In addition to a soundbar, you can have:

  • Woofers: This pieces are intended to emit low frequency bass sounds in the range of 40 Hz to 500 Hz. Inside the woofer, there's a paper cone, voice coil, and magnetic field. When the electric current flows through the coil, it makes the cone move up and down, and that movement creates sound waves.
  • Subwoofers: A subwoofer is similar to a woofer, and it's typically capable of emitting sounds down to 20 Hz. When you use a subwoofer, your bass sounds can be amplified, giving your overall audio a richer tone.
  • Towers: These are speakers that stand on the floor. They could be anywhere from around 2 feet to 5 feet tall. Because of their length, they can hold multiple drivers.
  • Satellites: You can place these around the room to enhance the surround sound effect. They either sit on counters, tables, or shelves, or they can be mounted to the wall or ceiling.
How do you connect the different components?

You could either have a wired or wireless connection. Wired models usually use RCA audio cables that hook into the back of a TV. Wireless connections usually use radio frequencies, which can include Bluetooth.