Pioneer Rt 707

Store Music and Audio Presentations on a Tape Reel Using a Pioneer RT 707

The Pioneer RT 707 is a product that captures Hi-Fi sounds. It has two audio channels, and you can record presentations and music by using these channels. On eBay, you'll find many RT 707 tape recorders and a variety of supporting products.

What are the Pioneer RT 707 product types?

RT 707 products are designed for a variety of audio sessions, which is why there are various product types. By using a combination of products, you can record audio that contains speech or music. Besides the tape recorders, the main RT 707 options are:

  • Tapes - A reel-to-reel tape is made out of a magnetic material. This type of tape and a cassette tape has a somewhat similar design scheme. The only difference is the layout of the tape. A cassette has tape secured inside a plastic housing, and a reel-to-reel product has tape layered on an external roll.
  • Tape reels - This is the base that holds the magnetic tape. On eBay, you'll find empty reels and reels that are equipped with a roll of magnetic tape.
How does the Pioneer RT 707 play audio?

A Pioneer RT 707 reel-to-reel tape recorder has two docking spots for tape reels. Depending on an RT 707's design, the tape docking process may involve a few additional steps. For example, on some units, there are two mechanisms that rest underneath the reel docks. In order to record audio using a unit that has these mechanisms, you'll need to run a tape through these mechanisms so that the reels can spin and record audio.

What are common Pioneer RT 707 features?

The Pioneer RT 707 tape recorder is designed with old-school hardware that manages how a reel spins. During recording routines, there are two tools that take advantage of this hardware. An RT 707 has:

  • A direct drive - A direct drive has a pinch roller with rubber components. When a reel rotates, this drive keeps a roll of tape mounted against the shaft. Friction generates during this process, which is important because the heated energy propels the tape strategically around various magnetic components.
  • Auto-reverse hardware - Auto-reverse is a feature that rotates the head assembly in the opposite direction automatically. A tape spins this way when auto reverse is used because the hardware rotates a motor counter-clockwise.
What are the design specs for the Pioneer RT 707?

This Pioneer unit is designed as a large unit and as a compact option. The largest products are wide and tall, and they can spin reels that hold a lot of magnetic tape and reels with are slim. Pioneer products that are smaller can also spin large and small reels.

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