PF Flyers Sneakers for Men

PF Flyers

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PF Flyers Athletic Shoes for Men

Posture Foundation (PF) Flyers began creating shoes in 1937. This American shoe company has maintained its original focus on athletic shoes. It expanded from offering basketball and running shoes to also offering skateboarding shoes.

What is the function of the Posture Foundation insert?

The inclusion of the Posture Foundation insert, also known as the "magic wedge," shifts weight to the outside of the foot.

What types of shoes does PF Flyers offer?

PF Flyers offers hi-tops and lo-tops with a retro look. Most styles and silhouettes offer vertically ribbed bumpers, outsole treading, and the original PF Flyer logo.

It also offers classic sneakers, including its All American, Center, Grounder, and Rambler. PF also manufactures the Made in America and Sandlot collections. The company offers skateboarding sneakers and casual boat shoes as well.

What sizes does the company offer?

The firm offers men's shoes in sizes 4 through 17. That includes half sizes from 1.5 to 14.5.

What shoe widths does the company offer?

PF Flyers offers shoes in D and M widths.

What materials does PF Flyers use in making its shoes?

The company makes athletic shoes in canvas, leather, and nylon.

How did PF Flyers get its start?

BF Goodrich patented The Posture Foundation insole in 1933. By the 1960s, both athletes and the military had begun using the insoles in their shoes.

How do you clean and care for PF Flyers?

It's recommended to clean your PF Flyers after each wearing. After knocking off excess dirt, use a soft cloth or brush to spot or surface clean when needed. For regular cleaning, use an old toothbrush and a soft cloth or sponge. Remove insoles and laces. Fill your sink or a bucket with warm soapy water, and clean all dirt and stains from the sneakers with the soft cloth. The brush can be used for hard-to-reach places. Once the dirt is removed, rinse the cloth or sponge in clean water, and use it to get all of the soap and residue off the shoes. Be careful not to wet any leather or foam sections of your PF Flyers. Allow the footwear to dry at room temperature.

The insoles can be cleaned separately in the same manner. Sprinkle insoles lightly with foot powder once they are completely dry to eliminate odors before returning them to your footwear. Laces can be machine washed in a bag for delicates. Allow them to dry completely before relacing your sneakers.