Lenovo T510 Battery

How to Buy a New Battery for your Lenovo T510 Laptop

When the battery for your Lenovo laptop dies, you can go to eBay to find a number of possible affordable replacements. The main specification to watch for is whether it says it will fit your specific laptop. eBay offers a variety of options when you are looking for a new or used replacement battery.

Can you use any battery on your Lenovo laptop?

No, you must make sure you buy the right battery. This is made easier by the fact that each battery type is specifically designed to fit into one style or series of machines. You can take out the old battery, and find out what model it is. This will ensure when you buy a replacement that it will work. Choosing the correct battery is critical to the operation of your laptop. Batteries fit various models of Lenovo laptops. These laptop models include:

  • T410, T420
  • T510, T520
  • SL410, SL510
  • E420, E425, E520
How many cells is the replacement battery for a Lenovo?

Depending on which replacement battery you choose will dictate how many cells it has and how long it lasts. You can find a 6-cell or a 9-cell battery. The 9-cell battery is the original battery. Either one should work with your laptop, as long as you make sure it is compatible.

Is the Lenovo T510 battery compatible with any laptop?

No. You must check to see what kind of battery is currently being used in your laptop. If you have a Lenovo T510, you may not be able to use that battery in another laptop. You can easily find the information about which batteries will work in your laptop by searching for it on eBay.

How long does the replacement Lenovo T510 battery last?

The life of the battery is determined by how your laptop is used when not plugged in. If you are not cycling the battery properly, it may shorten its life. If you are using just battery power and it isn't being plugged in, the battery can last from two to seven hours when you begin with a full charge. Batteries tend to last longer if you are using smart charging technologies, surge protectors, and other preventative technology to ensure a constant source of energy without power spikes.

  • A 6-cell battery lasts between two and four hours
  • A 9-cell battery lasts between four and seven hours
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