Hitachi Power Tools


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Hitachi Power Tools

Since 1980, Hitachi Power Tools U.S.A. has built its reputation on quality, durability, and its non-stop dedication to improvement and technical innovation. Its research and development have led to the development of high-quality, high-output power tools. Hitachi Power Tools is driven to produce even lighter, more powerful, and more durable tools.

What is 6.0 Ah Lithium Advanced?

Ah, the abbreviation for Ampere Hour and also known as an amp hour, is the amount of charge an advanced lithium-ion battery can deliver in one hour. A power tool that draws one amp of power should run for six hours on a 6.0 Ah battery.

How is amperage different from voltage?

Voltage is an indication of the power of the tool. An 18-volt tool has twice the strength of a 9-volt tool. Amperage is a measure of the level of duration of the power. A 6-amp-hour battery will provide one amp of power for six hours, or six amps of power for one hour.

How many times can you recharge Hitachi’s 18 V Lithium battery?

The Hitachi 18 V Lithium-Ion battery is legendary for its durability. If youre using a fan-cooled Hitachi smart charger, an 18 V Lithium-Ion battery can be safely recharged up to 1500 times.

What is the difference between a conventional and brushless tool?

In conventional motors, the brushes produce drag, and energy is lost to heat and friction. In addition, worn brushes have to be periodically replaced.

Hitachi brushless technology, also known as Electronic Drive Technology produces tools that use an inverter to produce a direct current charge. This eliminates friction and provides longer runtimes, more power, less maintenance, and longer useful tool life.

What is a Hitachi Bare Tool?

A Hitachi Bare Tool is an 18 V cordless tool sold without batteries, a charger or a carrying case. This is intended to enable Hitachi owners to add to their arsenal of tools without the added cost of items they already have.

How do you choose an impact wrench?

Step one is analyzing your need. What jobs, exactly, do you plan to be using the tool for? Will you need the greater power of a corded tool or the mobility and convenience of cordless? Second, what amount of torque will your work require? Be careful to use a tool with only the amount of torque that you need.

Will the 18 V Lithium-Ion battery fit older Hitachi cordless tools?

The new 18 V Lithium-Ion power packs were specifically designed to be backward compatible. All Hitachi slide type power packs will fit all Hitachi tools that take slide packs. Your older tools should work just fine with both older and newer batteries. If it fits, and clicks, it will safely work.