Element Cases and Covers for iPhone 4s

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Everything You Should Know about iPhone 4s Element Cases

Whether you are simply holding your iPhone 4s or you are engaged in an activity like bike riding or skateboarding, dropping your phone can result in a cracked screen and frame. With a strong, durable case or cover that properly fits your phone, you can protect your phone against an accidental drop no matter what you are doing. Element Case provides covers and cases that are engineered to be extremely strong and durable.

What materials are these cases made from?

Element Case covers and cases for your phone are made from a wide variety of materials, depending on the model. Many of the cases use a variety of these materials to give your phone as much protection as possible. The materials used may include:

  • Natural materials: The company uses top-grain leather and black walnut in some of their iPhone 4s cases. Both of these materials are durable and can give your phone a polished, luxurious look.
  • Metals: The metals used in certain cases include aluminum and stainless steel. Aluminum is lightweight so that the case will not feel heavy in your hands or when you are carrying your phone. Stainless steel is non-corrosive and non-magnetic.
  • Composites: This material specifically refers to G10 glass composites, which create a strong glass weave reinforcement. They add strength to the different cases.
  • Carbon fiber: This material is made from a matrix that consists of a binding polymer, such as epoxy resin. Carbon fiber is used to reinforce the phone cases, making them more durable.
  • Polymers: Thermoplastic polyurethane, or TPU, is flexible and has resistance to oils and abrasion. It also has transparency, so it can be used to make cases in custom colors and patterns.
What processes are used to create the cases?

There are two types of processes used to create these cases. They include:

  • Computer numeric control machining: The design of the phone case is sent to a variety of machine tools that precisely cut the raw materials into the desired shape. Known as CNC machining, this process slowly removes materials until the final desired shape has been crafted.
  • Laser etching: This process uses a focused laser beam to change the appearance of different materials without actually disrupting the material.
What finishes do these cases come in?

There are three main processes that these phone cases for the iPhone 4s may undergo. They include:

  • Anodizing: This electrochemical process is used on metal to promote adhesion of paints and adhesives. It is often used on aluminum so that the phone case can be decorated.
  • Hard anodizing: This process creates a surface that is more resistant to wear than standard anodizing.
  • Physical vapor deposition coatings: This process produces a vapor that is deposited directly on the object. It produces decorative finishes that are resistant to wear and corrosion.
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