Baby Seat Bicycle Child Seats

Finding the Right Baby Bike Seat

You don't have to give up bike riding after you have a baby. There are a variety of secure, lightweight, stylish child bike security seat options available so you can bring your little one along safely. This allows you to share your exercise hobby with your child early and give them an appreciation for exercise and fresh air. A quick internet search is all it takes to determine with what sort of child bike seat your bike is compatible. From there, you'll have plenty of factors to consider in your purchase.

Which direction should the seat face?

You can choose among three basic types of child bike seat installation: front, rear, and middle mount. A front baby bike seat positions the baby below the handlebars, while a rear baby bike seat mounts over your rear wheel. A mid-mount will secure your baby between the handlebars and your seat. The mid-mount option may make balancing easier, since the child is closer to the center of gravity. For minimum distractions, a rear baby bike seat may be preferable. For long-term flexibility, some seats even transition back and forth from front to rear mount.

How does the seat protect your child?

No matter your budget or which manufacturer you choose, it's important to know the safety features for child bike seats. Get to know the options for restraints, foot guards, and seat height adjusters. The method of securing the child can vary from model to model. Some seats may require the child to be harnessed in the seat prior to putting on their helmet. Infants will always need an option with a five-point harness, but older children (think pre-school age) may enjoy a non-traditional option that requires them to hold the handlebars while they ride. Look for additional features to protect your child from overheating and from getting tangled in the gears.

How do you make a bike seat comfortable?

A comfortable kid makes for a cooperative, pleasant passenger. Foam padded shoulder straps, adjustable footrest and buckle depth, padded seats, and ventilation keep your baby comfortable while you enjoy your ride. Some rear-mounted models even offer suspension features to soften the bumpy ride for your small passenger. Choose a child bike seat with a reclining seat, and your toddler can lean back and enjoy their usual nap in comfort as you cruise and maybe enjoy an even longer ride.